Pomeroy Historical Society

Places to go and see in the Cookstown area:

Pomeroy Historical Society

Pomeroy Historical Society

A few years ago, some peopletalked about starting a history group. The talk continued until eventually it was decided to take action. In 2003, the Pomeroy Historical Society was formed and the group meet in Pomeroy Resource Centre on the first Monday of each month.
The history of Pomeroy may seem insignificant to people on the other side of the world, but to the Pomeroy people it is interesting,educational and relevant to each and every individual in the local community. Every city, town and village has its own place in history; this is our attempt to put into words and pictures some of the history of Pomeroy village and its surrounding townlands.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the small team of members within Pomeroy Historical Society for their hard work, dedication and time in gathering
information to put this publication together. We hope it will bring enjoyment to those from all cultural backgrounds young and old, as history is not specific to any age or religion.
So do remember “today’s topics are tomorrow’s history”.
Nigel Liggett

Pomeroy Historical Society Gallery: