Pomeroy Forest walk

Places to go and see in the Cookstown area:

Pomeroy Forest walk

Pomeroy Forest walk

Pomeroy Forest walks
5-star rating.
This park is set in a beautiful tranquil setting, ideal for stroll or a good run! 
😀If you haven't been to Pomeroy Forest with the kids, you miss a real treat.
It has recently been renovated and now has 3 stunning trails.
👪Grace Drennan Eco Trail.
👪Rerardine Nursery Trail
👪Rerardine Fairytale Trail
Visitor Centre
Picnic tables.
Access to the network of waymarked trails is from the small car park inside the main entrance to the forest.
Free Parking
Pomeroy Forest has an additional car park up past the small one, they also request that no one parks on the grass on the drive in.
There is also an access beside the Rowan tree in Pomeroy

Pomeroy Forest walk Gallery: