Cookstown Cinema Ritz Multiplex

Places to go and see in the Cookstown area:

Cookstown Cinema Ritz Multiplex

Cookstown Cinema Ritz Multiplex

The Ritz Multiplex is situated on the burn road across from the burnavon. You will find all up to date releases here and the staff are friendly and helpful too. 

Ritz Multiplex
1-2 Burn Road, Cookstown - 028 8676 5182
Listings as of 05/07/2013
Despicable Me 2
‎1hr 38min‎‎ - Rated U‎‎ - Animation/Comedy/Family‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎14:30‎  ‎16:30‎
Despicable Me 2 in 3D
‎1hr 38min‎‎ - Rated U‎‎ - Animation/Comedy/Family‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎13:30‎  ‎15:30‎  ‎18:00‎
This Is The End
‎1hr 47min‎‎ - Rated 15‎‎ - Comedy‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎20:15‎  ‎22:40‎
World War Z
‎1hr 56min‎‎ - Rated 15‎‎ - Action/Adventure‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎18:00‎  ‎22:50‎
Man of Steel
‎2hr 23min‎‎ - Rated 12A‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy/Drama‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎14:45‎  ‎20:45‎  ‎22:30‎
World War Z 3D
‎1hr 56min‎‎ - Rated 15‎‎ - Action/Adventure‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
Man of Steel 3D
‎2hr 23min‎‎ - Rated 12A‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy/Drama‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
After Earth
‎1hr 40min‎‎ - Rated 12A‎‎ - Scifi/Fantasy/Action/Adventure/Drama‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
Stand Up Guys
‎1hr 33min‎‎ - Rated 15‎‎ - Comedy‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎1hr 42min‎‎ - Rated U‎‎ - Animation/Family/Action/Adventure‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎1hr 52min‎‎ - Rated 12A‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Suspense/Thriller‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎18:00‎  ‎22:45‎
A Haunted House
‎1hr 20min‎‎ - Rated 15‎‎ - Comedy/Horror‎‎ - English‎ - Trailer - IMDb

Cookstown Cinema Ritz Multiplex Gallery: