Top marketing business trends for 2017

Friday 6th January 2017

Top marketing business trends for 2017

January is a great time to take stock of your marketing. You had a plan for your business or organisation in 2016 and by taking a critical look at the past 12 months you can make sure that your 2017 marketing is even better. Whether your plan was to launch a new product, consolidate your sales portfolio or indeed increase brand awareness, you would have engaged in some form of marketing. Only by assessing your past year’s performance and what worked and what didn’t, will you be able to make changes in 2017.

Here’s is some top tips to elevate your marketing efforts in 2017.

Mobile is where it is at

The year past taught us a lot about how quickly marketing is changing and if you haven’t been under a rock, you will know how important mobile is. More and more people, even the silver surfers, are going online via mobile devices. Its simple customers must be able to find your business on their phone.


Interactive content

We are in the business of engagement. It is all well and good putting together a marketing strategy, but without actual engagement that really touches and resonates with your target audiences, your brand and business won’t grow. People don’t just want to read about your products, they want to engage with it, but can only do so if you give them opportunities to do so.  Whether is through Facebook, Blogs Instagram or Linked In  make the content exciting and welcome feedback good or bad.


Engaging, digital-savvy events

Don’t just think of an event as a stand-alone activity, rather as a way to start the conversation with attendees and engage them in an brand experience that they won’t forget. Then, reinforce the brand memory by following up and sharing “digital” memories with attendees that were collected in-event, thus extending the life of your event.


Mobile Video.

We are now in the age of mobile video. You only need to look at your Facebook page to see this. And when it comes to live streaming, there is no limit on how you can push your brand to target audiences. Live streaming works for your events where you can build excitement around future event and also better engage with attendees.

Video allows you to connect with audiences and convey emotions and brand messaging in a totally different way to a story posted online. Video connects immediately to the viewer, conveying emotion and a message that often is far more memorable than static words in a newsfeed.



Never ever forget the real person in your marketing. You are trying to your audience members based on their preferences, habits, etc. In such a busy world of messages, news and noise, by keeping it personal your brand will stand out.

Here at MYCookstown we can customise what your require to fit your marketing requirements. 

And finally

As you are taking stock…don’t forget to measure and constantly assess. Don’t just focus on views or clicks, look for return on your investment through other measures such as sign-ups, downloads and purchases, that you can attribute to your activity.

The future is bright and by choosing the right markeitng team,  technology, tools and tricks your business could engage and reach new and current customers in a more creative and meaningful way.
