The 10 things life has taught me in 2014

Wednesday 31st December 2014

10 Lessons Life Has Taught Me

1. Givers versus takers always win (even when they think they don't).

2. Dream 20x bigger because at the end you'll have wished you did.

3. Doing work that wows is a massive source of pride, happiness and self-fulfillment.

4. Success is so much more than just money.  It has to do with inspiring people by your excellence. It has to do with producing value that serves many. And it has to do with making your mark on the generations who'll follow you.

5. Misfortune is a servant of your growth.  Embrace its gifts and learn from its lessons.

6. Health is a crown on the well person's head that only the sick person can see.

7. Invest in books, courses and conferences. You are never too old to learn

8. The humblest is the greatest (and the quietest).

9. Being polite, decent and loving will always serve you incredibly well.

10. Finding ways to have fun and do new things with your loved ones is a great way to build your happiness. So why not switch off the TV and find something new and fun to do together!