keep up to date with everything that is happening in the cookstown area:
4 Free tips on how to improve your social media How do you turn your funny, witty or helpful content into generating leads on social media? Simple by sharing it on social media of course. Social media can be a lead generating machine if you know how to use it, and it can keep your followers engaged up until they are ready to buy. Funny or Sharp Content All businesses can find something to laugh about on social media. A well-placed joke or witty remark will ensure that your followe…
View Details For 4 Free tips to improve your social mediaHere are the rules if your taking part in the MYCookstown - Quinns Coach Hire to win 2 tickets to the Crumlin road gaol halloween package . The prize must be claimed within 10 days of winning. You must like and share to enter. The winner will be required for a picture when receiving their prize. ANYONE ENTERING THE COMPETITION AGREE'S WITH ALL DECISIONS/RULES REGARDING COMPETITIONS AND THESE ARE ON OUR WEBSITE AT Winners must be over 18 -
View Details For Win 2 tickets to the Crumlin Road gaol Halloween packagesHere are the rules if your taking part in the MYCookstown/MURE win £75 of M&S gift vouchers. The prize must be claimed within 10 days of winning. You must like and share to enter. The winner will be required for a picture when receiving their prize. ANYONE ENTERING THE COMPETITION AGREE'S WITH ALL DECISIONS/RULES REGARDING COMPETITIONS AND THESE ARE ON OUR WEBSITE AT
View Details For Win £75 of M&S gift vouchersHere are the rules if your taking part in the MYCookstown win £100 of home heating oil. The prize must be claimed within 10 days of winning. You need to leave your email on our facebook page by clicking on the link or sign up for free on our website The winner will be required for a picture when receiving their prize. ANYONE ENTERING THE COMPETITION AGREE'S WITH ALL DECISIONS/RULES REGARDING COMPETITIONS AND THESE ARE ON OUR WEBSITE AT
View Details For The rules if your entering the win £100 of oil competition.Here are the rules if your taking part in the MYCookstown win a Valeniten's meal for 2 worth £50 in Tullylagan competition. The prize must be claimed within 10 days of winning. You need to like our page, our facebook post and share the competition to enter. The winner will be required for a picture when receiving their prize. ANYONE ENTERING THE COMPETITION AGREE'S WITH ALL DECISIONS/RULES REGARDING COMPETITIONS AND THESE ARE ON OUR WEBSITE AT
View Details For Tullylagan @ MyCookstown valentines competitionHere are the rules if your taking part in the MYCookstown Christmas Jumper competition.The prizes must be claimed within 10 days of winning. You need to post the picture onto our page then we will share it within 24 hours. We only count the likes when it is shared.The winners will be required for a picture when receiving their prize. ANYONE ENTERING THE COMPETITION AGREE'S WITH ALL DECISIONS/RULES REGARDING COMPETITIONS AND THESE ARE ON OUR WEBSITE AT
View Details For MYCookstown Christmas competitionHere are the rules if your taking part in the MYCookstown win a 8" x 10" High defination chromaluxe photographic panel of the picture of your choose. The prize must be claimed within 10 days of winning. You need to like our page, our facebook post and share the competition to enter. The winner will be required for a picture when receiving their prize. ANYONE ENTERING THE COMPETITION AGREE'S WITH ALL DECISIONS/RULES REGARDING COMPETITIONS AND THESE ARE ON OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.MYCoo…
View Details For My memento facebook competitionHere are the rules if your taking part in the MYCookstown win a 7" smart pad, The prize must be claimed within 10 days of winning. You need to like click the link and leave your email to enter.The winner will be required for a picture when receiving their prize. ANYONE ENTERING THE COMPETITION AGREE'S WITH ALL DECISIONS/RULES REGARDING COMPETITIONS AND THESE ARE ON OUR WEBSITE AT
View Details For Win a 7" smart pad at